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Chuck Elliott | 12

The brilliant Chuck Elliott has brought together selected works from the past twelve years of his artistic career (2007 to 2019) in this recently released large-format book. 

Beautifully printed by Ripe Digital in Corsham, the book features 100 large-format pages with accompanying short texts to provide insight into his practice. 

Chuck Elliott 12

"I’ve put together this new selection of some of the best images from the past 12 years as a record of where I feel the project has been most successful, and perhaps also as a kind of rudder, to suggest the likely direction of travel for the next 12 years.

It’s been an interesting journey, and one that I hope has manifested at least a few good pieces along the way. Ultimately I’ll leave you to be the judge of that. For myself, I feel that the work has created a series of hopefully engaging moments along an arc, markers on a journey through time, that visually represent the nature and substance of the research I’ve been engaged in over the period." 

The book is available to view online or can be purchased direct from Chuck at £32 (plus postage and packaging). 

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